Chinese Symptomology Signs & symptoms of summerheat dampness include: * Fever and chills * Headache * Chest oppression * Ductal and stomach fullness and pain * Nausea and vomiting * Borborygmus * Diarrhea * Loss of taste * Slimy, white tongue fur * A moderate, soggy pulse
Western Symptomology Summerheat dampness acute gastroenteritis, stomach flu, summertime common colds, urticaria
Actions Resolves the exterior and transforms dampness, rectifies the qi and harmonizes the middle
Pattern Summerheat dampness
Chinese name Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San
English name Pogostemon Correct the Qi Powder
Dosage: one and a half teaspoons each time for 2-4 weaks, 2-3 times daily with warm water
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